- NewsletterFind out what has happened since COVID hit…
- ELvis PBL Kick-OffIn the second week of October, teachers from all participating schools got together in Gulpen to plan the project for the next two years. They selected the clients that are going to give the students their assignment: Logos in Antwerp that supplied the Woodstock project, a logistic challenge and Denford’s F1 in Schools, which is… Read more: ELvis PBL Kick-Off
- ELvis Olympics Kick-OffDuring the last week of September, teachers from all participating schools came together in Gulpen to plan the project. They also visited Zuyd University of Applied Sciences and Vista CIOS to learn about ways to monitor diet and training programmes… and do a workout in the Tom Dumoulin Bike Park. We’re looking forward to the… Read more: ELvis Olympics Kick-Off
- ELvis during COVID-19During the COVID pandemic, exchanges or Erasmus+ projects were not possible. Students could not get together. Yet, We felt we needed to stay connected, so asked the students to show or tell each other how they were affected by Covid… Here you can hear and see what the students of ISS Pedro Cerrada in Utebo… Read more: ELvis during COVID-19
- Erasmus+ Project Co-Living – Co-Working meets at SophianumFrom Tuesday 22 to Saturday 26 October 2019 teachers and students of schools from Oswestry (UK), Moss (N), Stockholm (S), Merksem (B) and Melilla (SP) were in Gulpen to meet for the fourth time. This meeting had as a theme ‘International Skills – Living and working in an international environment’. The province of Limburg provided… Read more: Erasmus+ Project Co-Living – Co-Working meets at Sophianum
- Technasium Symposium at SophianumFrom Monday 21 to Wednesday 23 October 2019 Teachers and members of management of schools from Lecce, Freigericht, Ihlow, Kaarina, Moss, Merksem and Aachen were in Gulpen to learn more about how the Technasium operates. They were given lectures about how the subjects Research and Development and Research and Enterprise are taught in the form… Read more: Technasium Symposium at Sophianum
- 10th ELvis exchange between L.S.S. Cosimo de Giorgi and SophianumOn Saturday 5 October a group of 13 students and two teachers from Sophianum landed at Brindisi Airport to start their adventure in Italy. They were welcomed with open arms (as usual) and went to the host families to enjoy the weekend. On Monday they were welcomed at the school by the head mistress, Mrs… Read more: 10th ELvis exchange between L.S.S. Cosimo de Giorgi and Sophianum
- ELvis partnershipThis school partnership was founded to enable us to work together in a sustainable way. In 2009 we started with a ‘contract’ for 5 years, which was reconfirmed in 2014. In 2019 we continued for another 5 years. Our goal is to educate our students to become global citizens. We do this by teaching them… Read more: ELvis partnership
- The Dutch Experience for ISPiP students in GulpenBetween 30 March and 7 April, The Sophianum International Stream Students welcomed students from Enger, Freigericht, Wroughton, Lecce and Utebo to their homes. The students were introduced to sthe school and surrounding area by means of a heritage trail in Gulpen. They had 3 blocks of Dutch Lessons, sat in with ‘normal classes’ and visited… Read more: The Dutch Experience for ISPiP students in Gulpen
- Concert in LeccePer creare una buona musica è necessario stare insieme e provare fino a quando no si crea la giusta armonia. È quello che stanno provando a creare gli studenti del Liceo Scientifico De Giorgi di Lecce insieme con i loro coetanei che sono arrivati a Lecce da diverse scuole Europee. L’intenso lavoro di concertazione avrà… Read more: Concert in Lecce
- MIGRANTS video projectStudents from HTG Ihlow, WGE Enger, SiLa Westerlo, Pedro Cerrada Utebo and Sophianum Gulpen met up with peers from LSS Cosimo De Giorgi in Lecce to produce 4 videos on the theme of ‘Migrants’. At the end of last school year each school had interviewed some refugees (with or without status) in their own environment… Read more: MIGRANTS video project
- ELvis Concert no. 3‘ELvis struck again’ between 22 and 25 February 2016 when the ELvis musicians met again to prepare a concert. The meeting took place at the Ronneburg near Freigericht, where all teachers and students were accommodated. They had rehearsals from Monday afternoon until Thursday afternoon (while also making music in between) which culminated in a concert… Read more: ELvis Concert no. 3
- ELvis at Festa di cinema del realeELvis film ‘From Bell to Bell’ and photographic exhibition ‘Corpo trittico’ were shown at Festa di cinema del reale, a four-day cultural event which took place in the picturesque village of Specchia, in the heart of Salento (Italy), from 22 to 25 July 2015. The photos shown in the exhibition were taken by students of different ELvis schools who met at… Read more: ELvis at Festa di cinema del reale
- Press Release from Freigericht
- Elvis Trip to Mons, Belgium- 9th-13th March 2015In the context of our Elvis ( Euro Link Virtual International school) Partnership , in which we develop learners’ skills on an international level, 3 of our youngsters were invited to continue and complete our Street Art project, in collaboration with students from France, Germany, Norway, Italy, Holland, England and Belgium of course. The exchange… Read more: Elvis Trip to Mons, Belgium- 9th-13th March 2015
- A school day in EuropeBetween 13 and 15 April 2015 a group of 25 students from all over Europe met at Liceo Scientifico “De Giorgi”, Lecce (Italy), to edit a 15-minute documentary film about ‘A school day in Europe’. Most of the footage had been shot in the previous months by the students of 9 ELvis schools. The workshop in Lecce was coordinated by film-maker Paolo Pisanelli and video-editor Mattia Soranzo. The… Read more: A school day in Europe
- Footage from Mons 2015Sondre Ileby from Aas (Norway) has sent us an amazing video. Click on this link
- Greetings from Elio Di RupoDear Students, First of all I would like to send you kind greetings from Mons, the European Capital of Culture 2015. I’m delighted to hear that an exchange was organized with European students for your project Elvis. These exchanges enable us to know one another better but it also strengthens the European feeling.… Read more: Greetings from Elio Di Rupo
- Latest from Mons 2015Ignazio (Italy) In the past I had already joined Elvis, with an exchange with the Dutch in Gulpen, however, I could not think that the Ambassador meeting in Mons could be such a great experience! For each country of Elvis there were 4 guys and we did many things together, for example two workshops, about hiphop and… Read more: Latest from Mons 2015
- Latest from the Production WorkshopA prototype of a sound tube for mobile phones, built at The Ridgeway School, Wroughton (UK), was presented during the Ambassadors’ Meeting in Mons (10-12 March 2015).
- Our Second Memorandum of UnderstandingOur second Memorandum of Understanding for the EL partnership has been signed by all partners. Download the newsletter and the document in PDF format here.
- EL Partnership Newsletter no. 2Brigitte Binke-Orth retires. Last Thursday, 28 January Widukind Gymnasium Enger said farewell to their Head.Mrs. Binke-Orth was head of school for 17.5 years. During that period many thing s changed, pedagogically as well as in the school organisation. The farewell meeting in the aula started with the Prelude from ‘Te Deum’ by M.A. Charpentier, that… Read more: EL Partnership Newsletter no. 2
- Latest from EL PartnershipNEWSLETTER ELvis 4 (13-01-2015) No. 1 Last Friday Ulrich and I met and talked about the future of ELvis. Here are some of the things we discussed: Common Policy Plan. Hans will read through it once more and delete some of the duplications. Ulrich will write something about quality control and about school… Read more: Latest from EL Partnership
- ELvis trip to Ihlow, GermanyHannah Cook and Thomas Awad have been Elvis Ambassador for the past 18 months and have taken part in various projects involving our partner schools in Europe ( Germany, Belgium, Italy, France, Norway, Holland and recently Spain). On Sunday 22nd November they joined me at Southend Airport, heading to Germany. We flew over to Groningen,… Read more: ELvis trip to Ihlow, Germany
- Elvis Street Art project – Ihlow, Germany 2014My time in Germany was amazing. I was really nervous about going and I never thought I would like it as much as I did. Whilst I was in Germany I met a lot of new people from different nations and became friends with most of them. When I was there Rebecca and I stayed… Read more: Elvis Street Art project – Ihlow, Germany 2014
- More graffiti in LecceBack from Ihlow, ELvis Ambassadors shared their newly acquired expertise with other students in Lecce.This is what they produced in the week before the Christmas holidays.
- Video workshop in IhlowThe last Elvis Ambassadors meeting took place in Ihlow, in the north of Germany in November 2014. In total, there were two Ambassadors from each country. We split up into two groups, one to make videos and the other one to paint Graffiti. I chose the first activity. On the 24th November we went… Read more: Video workshop in Ihlow
- Graffiti in IhlowFrom 24 to 26 November I took part in an Elvis Project at a German school in Ihlow. It was the most exciting experience I’ve ever had: listening to many different languages, learning about other cultures and attitudes, eating different foods and so on was not only funny but also educational. During those days I… Read more: Graffiti in Ihlow
- ELvis Ambassadors meet in LecceThe ELvis Ambassadors met in Lecce on 2 December. Giannicola and Beatrice presented their experiences in the latest ELvis meeting in Germany and told the others about the main activities that will be organized by the ELvis schools this year. They discussed five main topics Graffiti. They decided to paint 2 panels: a map of Europe with all ELvis schools and… Read more: ELvis Ambassadors meet in Lecce
- ELvis TV latestThe videos of the second Peace Concert in Gulpen are now on ELvis TV!
- ELvis for Lecce 2019 – The international ‘Curiosity Zone’During an ELvis exchange project in Lecce, Italy, Dutch and Italian students participated in the ‘Curiosity Zone’ workshop, putting forward ideas for Lecce 2019. Will Lecce succeed in becoming European capital of culture in 2019? Let’s keep our fingers crossed for the jury’s final decision, which will be taken on 17th October!
- Our Peace Concert ProgrammePROGRAMMA Introductie Prelude: Te Deum Charpentier 1st part violin concerto in a minor J. S. Bach In Flanders Fields John McCrae & Bradley Nelson Chanson de Craonne anoniemsoldatenlied Duo Flute Prelude Michel de la Barre Game soundtrack ‘Mash up’ Felix Lapp Pauze Toespraak door Hans Hupperetz, directeur Sophianum Billy Jean Michael Jackson Hora –Hatikvah… Read more: Our Peace Concert Programme
- ELvis Peace Concert GulpenVenue and Times – all are welcome Friday 19 September at 19:30h and Saturday 20 September at 13:00h. After the very successful Peace Concert in Enger, Germany, to commemorate World War 1 the ELvis schools are repeating the event in Sophianum school, Gulpen. See it here on ELvis TV Limburg was liberated by the Americans 70… Read more: ELvis Peace Concert Gulpen
- ELvis Peace ConcertIn June all ELvis schools were invited to take part in the Peace Concert in Enger (DE), organised by the Widukind Gymnasium there. It was organised to commemorate the start of WWI in 1914. Some schools (from Freigericht, Mons, Lecce, Guise and Gulpen) accepted the invitation and went there to be part of a great… Read more: ELvis Peace Concert
- ELvis Meetings in GulpenSophianum will host meetings of different stakeholders in the EuroLink virtual international school in the week starting 15 September: The ELvis ‘School Orchestra and Choir’ will meet up on Tuesday 16, 17, 18 and 19 September for rehearsals for the ELvis Peace Concerts on 19 and 20 September. ELvis Production workshop leaders and students will… Read more: ELvis Meetings in Gulpen