The ELvis Ambassadors met in Lecce on 2 December.

Giannicola and Beatrice presented their experiences in the latest ELvis meeting in Germany and told the others about the main activities that will be organized  by the ELvis schools this year.

They discussed five main topics

  1. Graffiti. They decided to paint 2 panels: a map of Europe with all ELvis schools and another panel showing different topics related to ELvis. They will start the activity in the next few days.
Production of  a movie about a school day in Europe (5 February 2014). During the meeting which will take place in Lecce in April the movie will be edited putting together 2 videos per each school participating in the project.
  3. Red sofa. They will interview students on a red sofa. They will ask them questions about the meaning of life, etc.
  4. Play. Students will organize a performance of  A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Each school will prepare one scene. This project will be led by the learners of Honywood School.
  5. Fund-raising. They discussed fund-raising for future exchanges, which will be no longer financed by European grants.

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