About the ELvis partnership

This school partnership was founded to  enable us to work together in a sustainable way. In 2009 we started with a ‘contract’ for 5 years, which was reconfirmed in 2014. In 2019 we continued for another 5 years.

Our goal is to educate our students to become global citizens. We do this by teaching them the necessary skills, but also by allowing them to take their global citizenship education in their own hands; enabling them to do their own research, quite often from literature and media. However, in orther cases student host fellow students from abroad or they go to places themselves, gaining the skills they need to live, study and work abroad by communicating and working together with other students.

Latest news

  • Newsletter
    Find out what has happened since COVID hit…
  • ELvis PBL Kick-Off
    In the second week of October, teachers from all participating schools got together in Gulpen to plan the project for the next two years. They selected the clients that are going to give the students their assignment: Logos in Antwerp that supplied the Woodstock project, a logistic challenge and Denford’s F1 in Schools, which is… Read more: ELvis PBL Kick-Off
  • ELvis Olympics Kick-Off
    During the last week of September, teachers from all participating schools came together in Gulpen to plan the project. They also visited Zuyd University of Applied Sciences and Vista CIOS to learn about ways to monitor diet and training programmes… and do a workout in the Tom Dumoulin Bike Park. We’re looking forward to the… Read more: ELvis Olympics Kick-Off